Sunday, September 16, 2012

John Badham Double Feature - WarGames and Short Circuit

I feel like I start off a lot of reviews like this, but WarGames and Short Circuit were some of my favorite films as a youth. In a lot of ways Williams Film Review is a reflection back to my childhood more than anything. Steven Spielberg and Joe Dante are like uncles and I'm going back and recalling fond memories with them. If I take that approach with this blog, then John Badham would be like that drunken friend of the family that you remembered as a kid, but then your parents stop inviting over because he got belligerent and broke shit all the time. He had a few hits in the 80's but after that... nothing.

(1983) [Trailer]
Director: John Badham (IMDB)

Synopsis: A computer nerd hacks into a secret government super computer and accidentally starts up a game of global thermonuclear war.

WarGames is pretty entertaining and I get that same feeling watching this that I get when I pop on movies like Gremlins or E.T. I really liked Matthew Broderick in this and in my opinion it's one of his best performances, he just seems very realistic and fitted the role perfectly. The pacing in this film is smooth and I never felt bored at any moment.

It just got it's blu-ray release this week and I gotta say it looks fantastic... go ahead and give it a watch... You'll thank me later.

Short Circuit
(1986) [Trailer]
Director: John Badham (IMDB)

Synopsis: Number 5 is a robot that comes to life after getting struck by lighting.

This movie is exactly as I remember it. One thing I didn't remember is how bad everyones acting is, especially Ally Sheedy. I don't know if it was her character or not but she seemed borderline retarded. If I were Indian I would imagine the sidekick of Steve Guttenberg would be pretty annoying. Number 5 is the best thing about this film obviously, he still looks cool and is lovable I suppose.

Just like WarGames this looks great on blu and is fun to watch... so do that.

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