Monday, December 31, 2012

Les Misérables

Les Misérables
(2012) [Trailer]
Director: Tom Hooper [IMDB]

I will start this review out with a disclaimer: I am not a fan of musicals. The only musical I like, that I can think of, is Little Shop of Horrors. That said, Les Mis didn't hold much promise for me, but as an open minded dude, I thought... Sure, why not.

Synopsis: A guy jumps parole and is hunted by a lawman through France during the Revolution.

First and foremost, Hugh Jackman and Anne Hathaway are amazing singers and performed above and beyond what I expected of them. Les Misérables is also a technically sound and visually pleasing film. Now that all of the pleasantries are out of the way... this was one of the worst movie going experiences of my life.

It was brutal. I was so bored throughout this film, I couldn't wait for it to end. There is maybe 3 minutes of actual dialogue, the rest is singing. I found myself tuning out and eventually all the songs just started to sound the same. It got to the point where I wasn't even sure what the hell was going on... Is this guy dead? Is he sleeping? Why is Hugh Jackman lurking on this girl in the woods? Why is Hugh Jackman sick? I'm sure the answers are in there in the songs, I just lost interest. Russell Crowe was also pretty bad, I think they could have cast a stronger voice if that's the main focus of this film.

I don't know, call me uncultured or whatever, but I need some down time in between all the music to ground everything. Maybe a little character building and exposition... ugh... never again.

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