Thursday, April 26, 2012

Hulk and The Incredible Hulk

In preparation for the upcoming Avengers flick I decided to watch the only two Marvel movies I hadn't seen yet... Hulk and The Incredible Hulk. I never really gave enough shits to actually see them when they were released and after reading their reviews I felt okay with that decision, but due to the upcoming event at hand... I figured why not.

(2003) [Trailer]
Director: Ang Lee (IMDB)

Synopsis: Eric Bana has an accident at the lab and turns himself into a big green monster... aka the Hulk.

I wasn't a huge fan of this film. The story seemed unnecessarily complex and took forever to unfold, plus you don't really get to see Hulk in action until 40 minutes in. I know Ang Lee was going for the obvious comic book look with the split screen stuff, but it started to get old real quick. Sam Elliot's character was way over the top, and seemed unreal. I honestly had no idea what was going on in the final fight scene with the big bubble... I wont spoil... but it was odd and poorly written. I also felt myself getting extremely bored by the end and wishing it would end.

The Incredible Hulk
(2008) [Trailer]
Director: Louis Leterrier (IMDB)

Synopsis: Same as Hulk but with Ed Norton.

This film is mildly better than it's predecessor in my opinion. It doesn't waste as much time getting into the back story, but tries to infuse it throughout the film, which I liked better. All the acting and performances were decent enough, nothing stood out... as great or horrible. The effects were about as good as part one I suppose. This movie just didn't really stand out in anyway, just seemed middle of the road and forgetful.

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