Friday, May 11, 2012

Dark Shadows

Dark Shadows
(2012) [Trailer]
Director: Tim Burton (IMDB)

I'm down in Virginia visiting my parents and a bunch of new born babies that have been dragged into my family tree. While out with the old man today we decided to check out Tim Burton's newest installment to his repertoire... Dark Shadows

Synopsis: Johnny Depp stars (which is strange for a Tim Burton film) as Barnabas Collins, who's a vampire from the 18th century set loose into the 1970's.

I always enjoy Burton's work and was highly anticipating this movie. It pretty much delivers exactly what you would except from it. Quirky characters, a dark and creepy aesthetic, and brilliant compositions by Danny Elfman. I was pretty entertained by the whole thing but I felt it was misfiring somewhere. I think it tended to be flat in certain spots and the plot dragged it's tale a bit. There were a few funny moments but the dialog seemed weak at points. I think the main issue I had with this film was the trailer for it. I feel like it ruined the experience for me, it presented too much of the movie and as a result I felt like the film was a garment I had already worn.

I'd say, if you're really into Tim Burton, check it out, if not, wait for the baby blu.

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