Thursday, June 7, 2012

Planet of the Vampires

Planet of the Vampires
(1965) [Full Movie]
Director: Mario Bava (IMDB)

Vampires are pretty hot right now. You got Twilight and True Blood and let's not forget... Lost Boys: The Tribe. These blood suckers captivate and enthrall us, to the point where people are into this. So I decided to jump on the band wagon and check out Planet of the Vampires, Mario Bava's classic movie that has nothing to do with vampires.

Synopsis: A group of astronauts land on a mysterious planet.. they soon find out they are not alone.

I love Mario Bava and this film further solidifies that love. The direction on this is similar to other Bava movies and incorporates the use of lots of colors and great set pieces. This film is truly impressive for it's age and holds up nicely. As stated before, this isn't about vampires at all: it's more about space zombies, which are way cooler. The astronaut's costumes from this remind me of Ridley Scott's new movie Prometheus, I decided to give you a little side by side comparison HERE. I definitely enjoyed this movie a lot and hopefully they'll be bringing it to blu-ray soon so I can own a proper version, till then it's on Netflix instant for your viewing pleasure.

1 comment:

  1. funny that you mentioned the Prometheus comparison. i noticed it as well. Ridley Scott has actually admitted to being inspired by the Planet of Vampires space suits for Prometheus, so you're spot on.
