Friday, June 8, 2012


(2012) [Trailer]
Director: Ridley Scott (IMDB)

I can definitely say that this movie was in the top of my most anticipated films of the year. When I heard Ridley Scott was making a prequel to Alien I got excited, then I saw the trailer and got a boner. This movie has a lot of hype around it, now I'll tell you the truth about it.

Synopsis: Astronauts leave earth to trace the roots of mankind which takes them to a planet where they get more then they bargained for.

Where to start, this movie is absolute shit... I'm kidding it's not shit. I liked Prometheus, but I didn't love it. If you're going into this excepting Alien, you'll be let down. It's a lot different then Alien, which isn't a fault I suppose, but I guess I was hoping it'd be more like it. My favorite horror movies are ones where a group of people are trapped in a space and there's evil critters, zombies, aliens, whatever waiting to get in and kill them. You take movies like The Thing, Alien/Aliens, Dawn of the Dead and you'll see that motif beautifully executed. I really was hoping that Prometheus would follow that track... it didn't. It's really focused on the plot and getting down to where we as humans came from. It's an interesting story, but one that unfolds slowly and in my opinion never really resolves itself. It's a lot of build up, with little pay off. I would go into more depth, but I don't want to spoil anything.

I did love the cast, especially Michael Fassbender, Stringer Bell, and Charlize Theron, all were great. The effects were really impressive, and I like that they threw in practical stuff too. The scene involving the first encounter with the aliens is rad, and the fetus scene is amazing.

This is in theaters now and I would recommend it if you're into sci-fi.

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