Thursday, June 28, 2012

Tiny Furniture

Tiny Furniture
(2010) [Trailer]
Director: Lena Dunham (IMDB)

I remember hearing mixed things about this film last year, many loved it, many hated it, many couldn't have given a fuck. The director's new show Girls on HBO, also gets the same reaction. I figured it was time to see for myself... No I lie... I had no choice as my wife had picked this out for us to watch.

Synopsis: Aura has to learn how to deal with life after college when she returns back to NYC to stay with her family.

The main complaint I heard about this writer is that she's a spoiled trust fund hipster and unrelatable... haters gonna hate. Who cares if she's a rich kid, maybe she's got an interesting story to tell. I mean, people come from all walks of life and each of us have our own voice... Jesus, that sounded like some hippy bullshit. Actually the problem here for me is... her story isn't interesting. Nothing really happens, she's not really having a hard time as the poster over there would lead you to believe, there's just not a lot of depth to this movie. I don't necessarily need a deep and meaningful plot, a film can be about nothing, but if it is you have to anchor it with interesting characters and good visuals. The way Dunham writes for other characters isn't too believable at times, like her sister's dialog and the little boy she babysat for.. kids aren't that intense. There is a lot of whitty dialog coming from Aura however; sometimes amusing, sometimes not, but it all just starts to get repetitive after a while. As far as cinematography goes, it's very boring. I'm not gonna say I hated this, but I wouldn't really recommend it.

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