Monday, April 1, 2013

Rock of Ages

Rock of Ages
(2012) [Trailer]
Director: Adam Shankman [IMDB]

Check this video out real quick... did you watch it? How bad ass is that intro? I love Game of Thrones and it's back in full swing as of last night. You may be asking yourself "What the hell does this have to do with Rock of Ages?" Well... last night after I finished up with the season premier of Game of Thrones, HBO decided to throw on Rock of Ages. I was taking care of a few things online (porn) when I looked up and realized it was on. It was late and I was ready for bed... but it was like a train wreck in front of me and I couldn't turn away.

Synopsis: A musical that uses every 80's hair metal song ever, set to the story of the undeniable love of a hick girl and a rockinroller.

Man... this movie was really bad.... like, extremely bad. It's actually somewhat hard to put into words. You ever see something that's so cringe worthy and awful, that you're almost embarrassed to be watching it? That's this movie. Tom Cruise, who I'm normally a fan of, is so cheesy in this. If I could, I would have gone through the screen and punched Russell Brand in the face... that guy is the worst.

I guess there are people out there who love this kind of stuff, but I'm not one of them. I will give this film some credit, I watched a little over half of it before I couldn't take it anymore. I'M NOT GONNA TAKE IT! NO... I'M NOT GONNA TAKE IT... I'M NOT GONNA TAKE IT... ANYMOREEEEE!  (click link to further bad joke)

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