Monday, January 23, 2012


(2009) [Trailer]
Director: Roland Emmerich (IMDB)

I went to Mexico last year and I went to party!!! Well...that and to see Chichen Itza. The Mayans were rad people, and to say they were a head of their time would be apropos. They also predicted the world would end this year...we're all fucked. Just kidding...I hope. Leave it to Roland Emmerich, king of disaster flicks, to pick up on their prophecy and turn it into a major motion picture.

The story is as follows. The Earth's center is heating up because of particles, or some shit, that are being released from the sun...I'm not a scientist, I'm a blogger. John Cusack plays a guy who gets lucky, real lucky. The planet is coming to an end and he cheats death a billion times in this movie. He also brings along his family. When the government finds out about the world falling apart they build "arks" to save humanity. Only the rich people can afford tickets for the "arks"....damn 1%, always screwing the common man. Through a series of very unbelievable events, John and Co make it on to the "ark"...but will they survive?

There's so many ridiculous things going on here, and if you're one of those people who love to tear apart plot holes in movies, you'll love this. Or hate it. For a block buster, popcorn movie it's decent. There's some pretty cool special effects, and it was a good time to watch all those people die...that didn't sound right. I did feel like the run time was a bit long and there was a good deal of cheesy parts. To wrap it up I will say this...It was much better than I anticipated, but nothing earth shattering...get it...see what I did there?

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