Tuesday, January 24, 2012


(1941) [Trailer]

I just ordered a shit ton of Disney movies...so expect many Disney reviews. Oh...you're too cool for Disney, you'd rather have an art house film review. Fuck you man! You'll get what I give you.

Dumbo is about an elephant who wants a baby. She is delivered one by a seagull...but...the baby is deformed. Serves you right for getting a newborn off the black market. It's not really a freak, it just has big ears. The baby elephant befriends a mouse, drinks some spiked water, goes on a 15 minute acid bender, and then flies.

Dumbo is a movie I watched a lot as a child. I remembered a lot of this, but not everything, as I was only 6 years old. I definitely didn't remember Dumbo's acid trip. That was awesome. What drugs were the boys at Disney taking back in 41? From an artistic stand point, that scene and the rest of the film are incredible. The animation holds up so well, especially given the Disney blu-ray treatment. This was really fun to re-watch and a great addition to my collection.


  1. Opium is the drug that people did back in the day.

  2. Dear expert druggie,

    Did they sell opium by the gram or the ounce? Given the weight and resting metabolism of an average baby elephant, how much would it take to achieve flight? In light of the presence of the trunk, what method of use would you recommend…snorting, smoking, or intravenous injection. If it is indeed the latter option, is there a certain minimum gauge of syringe that is required? After all, the epidermis of an elephant is quite thick. I have several other questions/concerns but I'll stop now. Thank you, in advance, for you expertise and kind counsel.


    An interested and concerned third party

    P.S. I love racist crows!!!
