Friday, May 4, 2012

Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy

Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy
(2004) [Trailer]
Director: Adam McKay (IMDB)

The first time I saw Anchorman was with my parents in the theaters. My wife and I thought at the time that it'd be a fun movie to take my folks to. I'm pretty sure everyone hated it except me.

Synopsis: Ron Burgundy is a news anchor in San Diego. He and his news team are a bunch of fun loving sexists who get an unwelcome member to their team... a woman.

This movie is hilarious to me. I'd say of all the Will Ferrell movies, this and Step Brothers are the best. It's extremely silly and not always laugh out loud funny, but more absurd.

Some of my favorites:
1. The news anchor gang fight is the best ever.
2. The afternoon delight song.
3. Baxter's jammies and head gear.
4. The collection of musk and their names.
5. The dream sequence with Will Ferrell and Christina Applegate.


  1. Interestingly I awoke this morning "I'm Ron Burgundy???" swam in my noggin...the declaration-conflicted question repeated and repeated, swimming listlessly in my skullet, chant I brewed my java, ate my frozen waffles, licked my purple taro ice cream sandwiched between the said frozen waffles like a hand between two pillows, made light conversation with mi hermano; "I'm Ron Burgundy???" echoed, refracted amongst the acoustic evirons of my cranial-chamber. As these teleprmoted affectations of our beloved Ron gingerly danced its magical dance, its magnetic draw, so strong, so hypnotic, strolling through my proverbial attic, my inner dialouge could not help but speak it aloud as I checked my interweb mail box, to much confusion of mi hermano, as he is not versed in the colloquialisms of Mr. Burgundy. Now, I sit here, in front of this screen, flabbergasted at the news you have publicly displayed amongst legions of world-wide-webbers...committing your fine poetry of criticulars upon this piece of comedically-crammed-celluloid. "What does this all mean?" your spirit animal surely cries. The only conclusion I can propose, unequivocally, is that we are star-crossed lovers...perhaps separated by thousands of miles of thieved land injustly justified by manifest-destiny, but alas our metaphysical graffiti is conjoined, like a pair of deformed siamese twins, forever to be as one, a life source put upon another, for eternity to share our metaphorical bowel movements. Within the confines of this astute hypotheses, I can firmly formulate without regard or utter hyperbole that my spirit animal may be free to rejoice "I AM CURTIS WILLIAMS???"!

    1. A beautiful comment from a beautiful man... I AM TERRENCE DAVID!!
