Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The Batman Anthology

After watching The Dark Knight Rises and writing my review of it, I decided to go back and watch all the Batman movies. It's been awhile since I've seen them all, so why not... I have no life.

(1966) [Trailer]
Director: Leslie H. Martinson (IMDB)

Holy polaris! It's the first Batman film! I wasn't joking when I said I was gonna watch ALL the Batman movies. I grew up watching Batman reruns on TV and I cherished this movie as a little tyke. Watching it as an adult is a much different experience, but an awesome experience nonetheless. The humor in this film is unique, it runs from campy and in your face to subtle and hidden away... just waiting for you to notice it. One thing I love is when Batman and company try to deduce the villains crime plans, their rationale is so hilariously absurd. It's things like that which make me really enjoy the script... the writers were geniuses. Everything in this is Bat something, so I decided to make a list of my favorite Bat Stuff.
1. The Batrides - (Batmobile, Batcopter, Batboat, Batcycle) 
2. The Batladder 
3. Shark Repellent Batspray
4. Super fine Batgrain 
5. Batrope

(1989) [Trailer]
Director: Tim Burton (IMDB)

There's not a kid growing up in America during the 90's that didn't have a copy of this on VHS... Okay maybe there was, but I can guarantee you his/her parents were assholes. Tim Burton's iconic masterpiece showcased The Dark Knight in a whole new light and really left me blown away after my first viewing. I remember thinking that was one of the greatest movies ever... but does it still hold up? 

This film has the dark tone which becomes common for every Batman film after... but it also mimics crime noirs of the 1930's in a lot of ways, which I find interesting. Visually speaking, this is my favorite portrayal of Gotham out of all the movies. It also has the best batmobile and the addition of the batwing is pretty cool too. Michael Keaton and Jack Nicholson are serviceable, but I'm not a fan of Kim Basinger what so ever. Alfred is a real dick in this... how are you gonna bring Vicky Vale (who works with a newspaper) into the Batcave only after having known Bruce Wayne for a few days... I know they boned but come on?

Batman Returns
(1992) [Trailer]
Director: Tim Burton (IMDB)

Tim Burton returns to direct his last Batfilm and Michael Keaton reprises his role as the Batman for the last time. Again the score is provided by the great Danny Elfman and it sounds.... just like Danny Elfman. This movie is profoundly more Burtonesque in its style. I really dug the set pieces, my favorites being the clown attack scene on the main square, the broke-down Zoo, and the gathering of the penguins. Danny Devito plays an excellent Penguin but I wasn't too fond of Catwoman. It's not Michelle Pfeiffer that bothered me, but the writing of the character... there was a little cheese there. Ultimately I felt like there's a lot that could have been trimmed from this movie, especially through the middle. It needed a good work out.

Batman Forever
(1995) [Trailer]
Director: Joel Schumacher (IMDB)

Joel Schumacher takes the directoral helm and steers this franchise off a fucking cliff. Right from the very start you can tell something is very wrong, it feels like it's already in the middle of the film. There's no build up to anything, it's just bam! Here's a bad guy (Two Face) and he hates Batman (no idea why) and Nicole Kidman is in love with Batman (again, no idea why). The writing/script is horrific...some examples: "Chicks dig cars"... "I could get into this superhero gig"... "joygasm"... "Holey rusted metal, Batman!"
It's also an ugly film to me. I hate the CGI shots of Gotham City also all the neon and dark lights give it this bad 90's feel. Jim Carrey is the worst in this, he's schtick gets old quick and feels very forced to me. 

I hated Robin in this. Jesus... Robin, where to start. Why does a dude his age, that rides a motorcycle, have to be placed to live with Bruce Wayne after his parents die? You're telling me he's not old enough to care for himself. What about his relatives? Also he washes laundry like a douchebag. 

Two more things then I'm done ripping this a new asshole. How does Chase Meridian, a Doctor (I use the term lightly), so easily get access to the bat signal. Finally, if it's so easy to find Two Face, as is the case with the Riddler, why hasn't Batman apprehended him at this point?

Batman & Robin
(1997) [Trailer]
Director: Joel Schumacher (IMDB)

Compared to Batman Forever, this is the same soup just warmed over. Every performance in this film is utter crap. I know Clooney, I love Clooney... I also love Uma... but in this, they are awful. I'm just gonna make a list of everything that sucks in the film.
1. Alicia Silverstone's mouth.
2. Roller blading.
3. Robin... especially when he says cowabunga.
4. Uma's weird posh accent.
5. The batmobile.
6. The Bat Amex.
7. The motorcycle race.
8. The gang in neon face paint... it's like a precursor to the Juggalos.

This movie is only getting an Arnold because Arnold himself is in it, if he wasn't, it'd get nothing.

Batman Begins
(2005) [Trailer]
Director: Christopher Nolan (IMDB)

Christopher Nolan steps in 8 years later to try and resurrect this dead franchise and boy was he successful. The best thing about Batman Begins is the origin story in the front half of the film. It's the best origin story of any superhero film ever made... you can take that to the bank. Many would think... Batman doesn't show up until an hour in, but it doesn't matter because the build up to that moment is huge. This is more of a character study of Batman and one that is well executed. Everything that makes Nolan's Batman movies unique started here... triumphant scores by Hans Zimmer, captivating cinematography by Wally Pfister, and solid performances by Christian Bale. I actually enjoyed this a lot more on my second viewing. I remembered the last half being a bit underwhelming, but that wasn't the case at all this time. I felt the pacing throughout was perfect and now... Batman Begins actually gets a bump up from me on the ratings scale.

The Dark Knight
(2008) [Trailer]
Director: Christopher Nolan (IMDB)

Man... I miss Heath Ledger. I didn't realize it until last night when I was rewatching The Dark Knight. His portrayal of The Joker wins him the title of best super villain role in movie history. I read that Ledger locked himself up in a hotel for 6 weeks to develop the character and it shows. Without him, this film would have been on level with Batman Begins, but the Ledger effect gives this the advantage.

Basically everything I said about Batman Begins rings true here. There's obviously no origin story for Batman this time, but surprisingly none for The Joker as well. I actually like that move. Instead of going through this long undertaking to explain who he is, you get these veiled explanations of how he got his scars, which always change, making him seem even crazier.

This is definitely my favorite superhero movie, and after this viewing it still remains locked in that spot.

The Dark Knight Rises
(2012) [Trailer]
Director: Christopher Nolan (IMDB)

My initial review can be read HERE.

Just a quick addendum. After watching the other two Nolan films, I think I appreciate this installment a little more. They help give it more context. I would recommend if you haven't seen TDKR yet, see Batman Begins and The Dark Knight again right before going into it.

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