Sunday, January 15, 2012

James and the Giant Peach

James and the Giant Peach
(1996) [Full Movie]
Director: Henry Selick (IMDB)

My wife really loves this movie. So we picked up the blu-ray the other night at the old Bestbuy. I had never seen it before but she was positive that I'd love it. Did I? Who knows, read on and find out.

James and the Giant Peach is about a young boy who parents were killed by a rhino, then forcing him to go live with his aunts. His aunts are a pack of bitches. They treat him like shit, but what would a Disney movie be without a good antagonist. Before his parents were 86'd, they hyped James up on NYC...because it's the best place ever! Suck on that, people that don't live here...just kidding. James soon discovers that a peach growing in the front yard is a secret vessel to the city and an adventure of a lifetime. When he finally goes aboard the peach he meets a crew of insects who are more than happy to help him find his way. After some wild adventures across the Atlantic he finds himself atop the Empire State Building.

Director Henry Selick cooked up both this film and The Nightmare Before Christmas. Both are very similar visually, and you can definitely get a sense that Tim Burton helped produce these. The story is okay, but I found myself bored at a lot of spots, especially the live action scenes, I would have just preferred it to be all animated. There are tons of really cool scenes, especially the iced over sea part, where they have to find a compass, I loved all that. It's an alright watch, but nothing ground breaking in my opinion.


  1. Yeah, I wasn't overly impressed, either. But I love that Jack Skellington has a cameo.

    1. I definitely enjoyed that, actually that whole scene with him and the underwater ghosts...probably the best part of the movie.

  2. I liked this movie! I watched it in the day when KIDS were past animation (Remenber the 90's, Curtis?)and I quite enjoyed it! Haven't watched it since, but thanks to you, I'll watch it again!
