Friday, January 20, 2012

Kill the Irishman

Kill the Irishman
(2011) [Trailer]
Director: Jonathan Hensleigh (IMDB)

A friend of mine on facebook recommended I check this film out (Thanks Brett.) I was definitely happy to see it on Netflix instant. I was also definitely happy to see Christopher Walken and Vincent D'Onofrio in it.

Kill the Irishman is a true story about Danny Greene. His was a union boss. He was a thug. He was a player. He was a Irishmen. He was a badass. It's a pretty interesting story and basically he ran shit in Cleveland in the 1970's. The mob gets involved, a shit ton of cars get blown up, and people get whacked. It's wholesome family fun.

This was a pretty entertaining watch. It definitely sucks Goodfellas dick a little bit, but what mob movie doesn't. I felt there were a few things I didn't like, but nothing that ruined it for me. The CG/Special effect explosions, especially the first one, were pretty bad. The voice overs of Madmartigan (he got fat) were kinda annoying and the pacing of the film overall wasn't that steady. I did however really enjoy the story and the performances of the cast were good. For a period piece in the 70's it was spot on and I like how they would throw in real news clips about Greene from that time. It was a pretty fun movie, and if you have Netflix, do it up!

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