Monday, February 6, 2012


(2011) [Trailer]
Director: Nicolas Winding Refn (IMDB)

Ryan Gosling is so hot right now. My wife loves him. Every other girl loves him. Gay men love him. He's a dream boat. I fucking hate him... I'm kidding, I love him too. He's pretty awesome in everything I've seen him in, and when I first saw Drive back in September it secured it's place at #4 in my top ten for 2011. However a lot of people didn't like him in the role of Driver, people complained about him being too quiet. Whatever, people are stupid.

Nicolas Winding Refn directed this thriller about a getaway driver named... Driver. He also works part time for Walter White as a mechanic and also part time as a stunt car driver for the movies. He falls for a girl with a kid, who's husband is in jail (red flag.) The husband gets out and gets caught up owing money to the mob. Driver ends up helping him rob a pawn shop, and that plan goes to shit. Christina Hendricks shows up too. Driver ends up getting in over his head, but not really, because he basically beats the crap out of everyone.

This movie is awesome. I liked it just as much, if not more, then my first viewing. It's soundtrack is the best of 2011. It looks amazing and Nicolas' direction is top notch. I love the Gos in this. I don't understand why people had such an issue with this movie being quiet or there not being enough dialog. That's what the character called for, he was a enigmatic loner and Gosling pulled it off masterfully. If you're looking for Fast and Furious I think you'll be really bummed out on this. It does have it's action moments, but it's more of a character study if anything. I highly recommend this.

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