Thursday, April 5, 2012

War Horse

War Horse
(2011) [Trailer]
Director: Steven Spielberg (IMDB)

Sam Slater (EVFS contributor) and I are having a debate here. I believe that Steven Spielberg has never made a terrible movie, Sam is under the impression that he has. While he does have some stinkers in his collection, I still wouldn't say they're terrible. Terrible is a strong adjective, and a word I don't throw around lightly, kinda like how Justin (another WFR contributor) doesn't throw around the word 'love'. I guess we all have our special words... So next time I say something is terrible, you'll know I mean it.

War Horse is about... you guessed it... a horse. His story is interwoven between different care takers and all takes place in Europe during WWI.

The film was pretty decent and it has a lot of the tropes that make a good Spielberg movie. One element would be a great score which is strategically placed to tear at the heart strings or to make you smile. Another would be the cinematography, which I thought was fantastic. The story of this film is okay, but a bit far stretched at times, and a little overly cheesy. It had a bit of a "oscar bait" feel to it. I felt that every actor was serviceable but not very memorable, with probably the best (and too short) performance coming from Benedict Cumberbun...I mean Cumberbatch.

To sum it up, War Horse is okay yet a bit forgetful in my book. It came out on blu-ray and VOD this week and you can peep the trailer HERE.

1 comment:

  1. I would say the majority of Spielberg's scores are heavy handed and while I haven't seen Amistad since highschool either, i remember it being alright, not great but definitely not terrible.
