Monday, April 2, 2012


(1986) [Full Movie]

The 1980's. A decade of excess, Ronald Reagan, new wave, video games, cold wars and other nifty things. This era saw some incredibly awful fashion and music trends, all of which found their way into cinema. One movie that encapsulates this decade better then any other would be Rad.

Cru Jones (what a great name) is a paperboy who's looking to showcase his biking skills at Hell Track, a new course and home to the biggest race in BMX history.

As mentioned before, this movie is extremely dated. Really awfully in fact, but I almost kind of enjoy it, like a "so bad it's good" deal. I am gonna take a second of your time to showcase some of the things that I found ridiculous.

1. The dance. Wow, there's so much bad here it's almost too hard to believe it. First the twins, lets take a second to check out their wardrobe. Example 1. Example 2 (Example 2 is from later in the film, but wow). Is this Star Trek or Rad? Also, their dance moves rule. The bicycle dance between Cru and Aunt Becky featuring the band Real Life's "Send Me an Angel" can only best be describe by viewing it with your own eyes... which you can do right HERE... simply amazing.

2. The log water slide scene is absolutely hilarious. When brought down into slo-mo, it becomes the cherry on top of the Rad sundae. Also, what's with Aunt Beckys sweat suit? You can preview this wonderful gem right HERE.

3. The bike race at the end is sweet. It still holds up, and is fun to watch. Especially the big drop scenes, I enjoyed the camera angles on those. But... I will say one thing... Cru's a fucking cheater. He take multiple "shortcuts" throughout both races, that kinda shit would normally disqualify you.

It's hard for me to hate this film seeing as how I watched it everyday one summer as a kid. I would say a comparison film would be North Shore, but unlike Rad, I think North Shore is legitimately good, not bad good. I definitely enjoyed re-watching this, and I recommend you do the same.


  1. too funny. you are absolutely right, this movie is "bad good." for some reason "send me an angel" will pop into my head at random times here and there and i am reminded of the silly dance scene. we looked it up on youtube not too long ago. thanks for sitting through this one for me. :)

    1. hahah. I also downloaded Don't Tell Mom the Badysitter's Dead, you can expect a review on that soon too. I honestly don't remember anything from that however, only that Christina Applegate is in it.
