Friday, June 22, 2012

Scott Pilgrim vs. the World

Scott Pilgrim vs. the World
(2010) [Trailer]
Director: Edgar Wright (IMDB)

Synopsis: A bass playing Canadian falls for a girl with a lot of ex boyfriend baggage.

Upon my first viewing of Scott Pilgrim I wasn't really sure what to expect. It somehow slipped under my radar and I literally knew nothing about the film going into it. I ending up loving it and after my second viewing last night the movie just gets better, it's a perfect blend of comedy and action.

One could say SPVTW is nerdy or quirky, I could see that I suppose. It infuses a lot of elements from video games, especially Street Fighter II, which is my favorite game ever. It somewhat panders to the gamer crowd and also strangely enough... Smashing Pumpkins fans (also my favorite band ever.) The editing in this is very interesting, both visually and with sound queues, it really feels like no other film I can think of.

The movie serves up a lot of funny dialog which is mainly delivered successfully by Michael Cera. I know he has a certain schtick that he's known for (awkward teen), but for this role it was perfect. The rest of the cast are pretty hilarious too, highlights would be Macaulay Culkin's brother and Captain America. Last but not least, the fight scenes are well paced and don't overstay their welcome.

This is a winner in my book and I'd highly recommend it if you're looking for a funny action movie.


  1. Maybe I'll put this one on the queue, I heard it wasn't that great from a few people I know. So I never paid it much attention.

    1. I think you'd like it. I initially would have given it a 3.5, after this viewing I bumped it up.
