Sunday, April 8, 2012

The Treasure of the Sierra Madre

The Treasure of the Sierra Madre
(1948) [Trailer]
Director: John Huston (IMDB)

I had this movie on for no longer then 5 minutes before my wife said it was boring and tuned out. Take that for what you will, I found it to be the complete opposite of boring. Maybe she thought that because it was in black and white and from the 40's, or maybe it really is boring and I'm a boring dude. I do know it ranks up there in a lot of people's best ever category, including Kubrick and PT Anderson (who watched it every night for inspiration while filming There Will Be Blood.) I'll do my best to defend it now.

Three men head out into the Sierra Madre in search of gold. They find gold, but also a lot more then they bargained for.

This movie, like There Will Be Blood, showcases man's greed and how it can become the downfall of him. The story for this film is really solid and executed perfectly by Humphrey Bogart, Walter Huston and Tim Holt. It's success lays in those two elements, but also in it's setting, the Mexican back drop is really pleasing and is cool to see on film from the 40's and in B&W. I'll avoid spoilers but, this movie also surprised me at the end. I'd like to revisit this film again sometime down the road, I wonder if it's on blu-ray? [types in]


  1. I don't think you have to defend this film, as it is a classic and stands on its own!

    Speaking of classics, I'm sure you've already seen this because it's apparent you've viewed almost every film committed to celluloid already...but in case you haven't, definitely view Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? Saying it's intense is an understatement. Elizabeth Taylor at the top of her game.

  2. i will add it to my list, never seen it.
