Saturday, July 14, 2012

Near Dark

Near Dark
(1987) [Trailer]
Director: Kathryn Bigelow (IMDB)

My friend and I discussed vampire films recently and he claimed this was one of the greatest ones ever made. I had never even heard of it, but I respect his opinion (that's what being a friend is all about) and decided to check it out. It's considered a cult classic, but then again, everything is nowadays.

Synopsis: After a hick gets bit by a cute little vampire he hits the road with a group of blood suckers and learns how to live as a creature of the night.

This movie was directed by Kathryn Bigelow (The Hurt Locker and Point Break) and stars Bill Paxton and Bishop from Aliens. It's a pretty virtuous film and I found myself entertained, but it's definitely no where near best vampire film material. It rides the line of a vampire flick but it's also a crime spree movie, similar to Natural Born Killers or True Romance. Near Dark has a very gritty tone which I liked, all the characters seemed unkempt and filthy. Highlights for me would be the bar kill scene and shoot out scene. Lowlights for me would be... a blood transfusion gets rid of being a vampire?


  1. How do we know a transfusion wouldn't get rid of vampirism? It has to be tested. Now we just need to find a non-fictional (and non-sparkly) vampire.
