Sunday, July 15, 2012

The Maltese Falcon

The Maltese Falcon
(1941) [Trailer]
Director: John Huston (IMDB)

Humprey Bogart is considered the greatest male star in the history of American cinema and for good reason, he's a bad ass. Recently I've been slowly making my way through what are considered to be classic staples in American film and many of these movies star Humprey Bogart. I think some people look at old black and white movies and think they're boring. Sadly they will miss out on some great stories, this being one of them.

Synopsis: Sam Slade is a private dick whose partner is killed. There are all kinds of players involved and Slade has to figure out who did it.

This is a classic crime noir and it unfolds nicely over its 100 minute run time. Bogart and the rest of the cast were excellent and execute a stellar storyline. I really loved the dialog in this movie and found a lot of it to be surprisingly humorous. The use of lighting and the cinematography gives this an interesting feel which has been mimicked in later films I've seen... like Pulp Fiction, Barton Fink, and LA Confidential. I really enjoyed this and if you're looking for a classic to sit down with, I'd recommend it.


  1. This along with Casablanca, Now Voyager (Bette Davis) and The Women (1939 with Shearer, Crawford) are my favorites of this era. If you haven't seen Now Voyager, I suggest you do.

    1. I haven't seen Now Voyager, I'll add it to my queue.
