Sunday, April 1, 2012

Adventures in Babysitting

Adventures in Babysitting
(1987) [Trailer]
Director: Chris Columbus (IMDB)

This was a movie that I looked back fondly on and as a child I remember thinking it was incredible. I haven't seen this since the 80's and obviously I'm an old piece of shit now who's soul has been hardened by the cruel hand of life... will I still feel the same way about this movie?

Elisabeth Shue is a babysitter who gets more than she bargained for one night when she's forced to take the kids that are under her custody into Chicago to pick up her dumbass friend.

Well, sadly this film didn't hold up to my memories of it... guess I really am jaded. First and foremost, Keith Coogan is WAY too old to have a babysitter, he's a freshman in high school, if anything he should be boning Elisabeth Shue. The little girl's obsession with Thor is a little over the top and unbelievable. The neighborhood kid that comes along is annoying, but Elisabeth Shue's friend is the absolute worst. The worst, seriously... lets break this down. She's a senior in high school and running away from home? No bitch, it's called growing up, move the fuck out if you're unhappy with your parents. Okay next, she runs away to the city bus station... then loses her shit because she decided she doesn't want to run away. Now she's freaked out because she's stuck at the station... TAKE THE BUS BACK HOME. If you run away from home without enough money to get a return ticket to the suburbs (which is only a few miles away from the city), you deserve to die (plus where was she deciding to head off to after the city if she doesn't even have money to get back When I was in high school in Virginia Beach I was taking road trips up to Richmond and DC all the time, which were hours away. God, that girl sucks, and so does this movie.

Almost forgot... the blues club scene is brutal... almost unwatchable.

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