Sunday, September 30, 2012

Jiro Dreams of Sushi

Jiro Dreams of Sushi
(2012) [Trailer]
Director: David Gelb [IMDB]

Synopsis: 85 year old sushi extraordinaire (Jiro) is the best in the biz, this documentary shows you why.

You might say... who the hell wants to watch a documentary about a guy making sushi? I do, you little jerk. I love documentaries and often times when done right, they can shine an insightful light on almost any topic. That being said, the praise this film received earlier this year was high and I knew going into it that it wasn't just about making sushi. It's more about the man and his family. It's about their determination to perfect their craft and even how after 70 years of making sushi, you can still feel like there is something to learn. He is an interesting character and while I can appreciate his drive, it's also kind of sad in a way. When all you are is your work, I think you miss out of a lot that life has to offer. I mean, this guy never takes a day off or a vacation. It's work all the time and definitely no play.

Jiro Dreams of Sushi is pretty impressive from a technical stand point and delivers on the promise of something different and interesting to watch. It's on Netflix instant if you're curious.

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