Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Indie Game: The Movie

Indie Game: The Movie
2012 [Trailer]
Directors: Lisanne Pajot [IMDB], James Swirsky [IMDB]

I feel bad for kids born in the 90's, they missed out on the Nintendo Entertainment System, or NES for short. Sure they can go back now and download the games or even hunt down a console and hook it up, but nothing well ever give them the same feeling I had as a young boy watching video game history unfold before my eyes. So suck it... kids born in the 90's.

Synopsis: This documentary follows three sets of indie game developers on their quest for glory. What is an indie game you ask? Basically, a video game designed by independent developers, verses big studios.

Indie Game strikes at my nerdy nostalgic heart and makes me automatically want to go out and buy 'Super Meat Boy' and 'Fez', which are two of the titles being developed in the film. I think anyone that grew up with Nintendo or Sega will connect with these designers and their mission, but what I also enjoyed was watching their passion unfold on screen. It's not so much what they are making, but the process and the struggle itself that is interesting... it just so happens they are working on cool video games... so it's even better. I think out of three, the two guys that created 'Super Meat Boy' were the most interesting and I found myself pulling for them to make it big.

Technically the film is pretty solid as well. There's a lot of interesting cinematography, especially the scenes filmed at the boardwalk in Santa Cruz, which is one of my favorite places in California. The score is also really interesting and fits the film's aesthetic perfectly.

I'd definitely recommend this, it's one of the better documentaries I've seen this year and it's available on Netflix Instant.

1 comment:

  1. This is instant streaming on netflix too . . . definitely going on the watch list!
