Sunday, October 21, 2012

Seven Psychopaths

Seven Psychopaths
(2012) [Trailer]
Director: Martin McDonagh [IMDB]

This is the newest installment from the guy that brought you In Bruges, which I thought was a good film. His resume, besides that, is rather short so I was a bit hesitant going into this, especially considering some of the reviews out there for it.

Synopsis: Sam Rockwell and Christopher Walken are dog kidnappers, when they steal the dog of a mob boss (Woody Harrelson), things start to go to Shih.... Tzu. See what I did there?

This film's greatest strengths lays in it's characters and dialog. Most are pretty memorable and extremely hilarious. Sam Rockwell stole the show for me, he was awesome. Walken, Waits, Harrelson, and Farrell are all strong too and help usher in the laughs. It was rad to also see a little cameo from Harry Dean Stanton as the Quaker psycho... Harry Dean Stanton rules. Seven Psychopaths is also pretty violent and serves up a ton of gore... which I loved. So people who have problems watching heads get hacked off with pipe saws... be warned!

Some of the things that annoyed me were all the meta references to itself and the process of writing the film as things unfold, it was ok at first but started to drag on after awhile. I felt like all the stuff with the Vietnamese psycho could have been just cut from the film all together, although I did enjoy Christopher Walken's resolution to that whole part of the story at the end of the film.

I don't know... there's actually not a ton to dislike here for me personally. I really enjoyed this a lot and found it highly entertaining. I will probably pick it up on blu-ray and give it a rewatch by end of year.