Sunday, November 25, 2012

Lawrence of Arabia

Lawrence of Arabia
(1962) [Trailer]
Director: David Lean [IMDB]

Piggy backing on my last review, I also decided to pick up another classic on blu-ray which I had never seen before, but read many positive things about... that film was Air Bud... I'm kidding, it was Lawrence of Arabia.

Synopsis: This film tells the story of T.E. Lawrence, an officer in the British military that infiltrated the Arab army and helped them fight against the Turks during the revolt against the Ottoman empire during WWI.

Also like my last review, this movie is also substantially epic and clocks in around the 4 hour mark. It's also does a superb job and drawing you into it's universe and making you forget about time and your shit life in the real world. Lawrence was an intriguing man and Peter O'Toole does a steller reenactment of his life in Arabia. I was also pretty impressed with the supporting cast... including my boy Claude Rains.

In my humble opinion, the greatest strength of the film is it's cinematography, it's as epic as the film itself. There are too many memorizing scenes and I'd say it's one of the most visually stunning movies I've ever seen. It also helps that the transfer to blu-ray is perfect, this looks like it was shot yesterday.

The score is also unreal and probably won lots of awards. It's like the music and the eye candy on screen are in a perfect symbiotic relationship.

This is another classic that I'm pleased to have represented in the growing hord that is my blu-ray collection.

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