Sunday, November 18, 2012


(2012) [Trailer]
Director: Sam Mendes [IMDB]

I'm not gonna go to crazy here because my brother just reviewed this on here yesterday and I agreed whole heartedly with pretty much everything he said... SO READ HIS REVIEW.

I'll start by saying the real hero of this film is Roger Deakins, the DOP, he really did an outstanding job filming Skyfall. The film looks immaculate and there's a ton of stand out scenes, especially everything filmed in Asia. Sam Mendes borrows heavily from Christopher Nolan in this movie and I kept being reminded of The Dark Knight Rises left and right, particularly with the score and lighting.

I must say though, this is a highly entertaining film, dare I say best Bond film ever.

Now here's where I get to the most important part of the review. The movie theater I watched it in. I just recently moved to Queens (better start thinking of a new blog title) and I have a local theater right down the street. It's a pretty shabby looking theater from the outside, but it was close and had Skyfall... so fuck it, let's give it a shot. The wife and I meet up with our good friends Shawn and Doug and we arrive to find that the movie is only 5 dollars! That's right, 5 dollars! Which is insane for New York. Not only is Skyfall $5, but every movie is $5, everyday... before 5PM. I love my new neighborhood. So we enter and the inside is about as impressive as the outside. There are two big screens (that were playing Twilight and Cloud Atlas) and then all the other screens including ours, which were smaller. There were smudges on our screen and you could sometimes hear Wreck it Ralph playing next door when it was quiet, but for 5 dollars... I'm not complaining. I think I'm in love with the ghetto theater in Sunnyside.


  1. Steve...I agree with you completely....I also loved Roger Moore the best as well. I still think he has more sophistication than Daniel Craig...but this movie as a whole is better than anything Moore was ever in.

  2. Curtis I am at a loss for how you can dare say its the best Bond film ever but give it only 4/5 Arnolds? Did you paste the wrong image in? Doug L, Moore all the way, but Craig is definitely a worthy successor!

    1. I only gave Casino Royale a 3.5/5 and until now, that was my favorite. It may bump up one of these days, but I didn't feel like it was a 5 star film.
