Thursday, November 8, 2012

The Campaign

The Campaign
(2012) [Trailer]
Director: Jay Roach [IMDB]

Synopsis: Will Ferrell plays a congressman who goes up against a surprise candidate... Zach Galifakjnakjnfdfsdis.

The trailer I saw for this film held a lot of promise and seemed like it could rise to "best comedy of the year" status... sadly, that was not the case. Actually, the biggest problem I had with The Campaign is that all the best parts are in the trailer. It was a real flat line for me and all the unspoiled comedic moments weren't really enough to make it a pass. Will and Zach do their shtick and it's what you'd expect from them at this point in their careers, but something seemed off for me. I didn't hate this, but it certainly could have been much better.


  1. "all the best parts are in the trailer"... man I hate that

  2. This was quite a good time in the theater. Maybe it's better with a crowd.

    1. yeah, a good crowd always helps. It was just me on this viewing and I guess I'm no fun.

  3. Maybe it is just me but Will Ferrell hasn't been funny in a long time. He is like Adam Sandler to me. The first few movies were really good but then the shtick just got stale

    1. He's hit or miss I think, depends on who's directing him. I always find that when he teams up with Adam Mckay you get his best stuff ie: Step Brothers and Anchorman.
