Wednesday, August 21, 2013


(2013) [Trailer]
Director: Anthony C. Ferrante [IMDB]

Unless you're internet illiterate you've probably heard about SyFy's newest smash hit Sharknado. Sharks seem to be all the rage, they even have their own week now, so why not capitalize off that and make a movie about them forming a tornado of death. Seems legit. 

Synopsis: I think you can figure it out.

This movie is terrible. I strongly considered not wasting my time with a review, but after a couple of days away from it, I felt I should belt out a few words. I am a firm believer in the "so bad it's good" credo and I know many films that would fall into this category... Sharknado is not one of them. The casting is sad, the performances are even sadder... is that a word? I mean, Tara Reid is a mother of two fully grown adults, Tara Reid... the girl from American Pie, who is only in her 30's. 

Sharknado could have been hilarious, but its overly serious tone and bad CG just did nothing for me. There will be those who tell you "It's about sharks, in a tornado, come on... it's great." They would be lying to you. Save your time and watch Leprechaun.

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