Monday, December 23, 2013

The Lone Ranger

The Lone Ranger
(2013) [Trailer]
Director: Gore Verbinski [IMDB]

I'm not going lie and say I was looking forward to seeing this back in the summer and never got around to it. Fact is, I kind of wanted to see it, but thought it definitely didn't merit the price of admission at the time of its release. I never watched The Lone Ranger as a kid, so this review will be a little unbiased, because who wants to hear some dude bitch about how Disney is ruining the memories of the original.

Synopsis: After his brother is killed, a straight laced lawyer finds his alter ego, The Lone Ranger. He teams up with Tonto, a loner Indian, to set out and find the man responsible for killing his kin.

The Lone Ranger wasn't a bad film, but far from great. I was surprised at how much I actually liked about it, but there were absolutely some elements of the film that didn't work.

I really could have done without the framing device with the old Tonto and kid, I found all of those scenes to be pointless and annoying. The film was extremely long, they could have easily cut out an hour of this thing and still achieved the same result. The action spikes high in the beginning and at the end, but in between there's not a lot of excitement going on.

Tonto, The Lone Ranger and the horse Silver save this film for me. I enjoyed Depp's performance and his banter with The Lone Ranger was interesting and funny at times. Most of the scenes involving Silver got the most laughs from me and the way they utilize him was pretty clever. I also thought Armie made a good Lone Ranger and was a perfect casting choice.

Technically the film is solid... the sets, locations, cinematography, score and costumes were all awesome and Gore Verbinski captured the essence of a great western. I could see myself revisiting this at some point, for me it has some charm that saved it from being completely lame.

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