(1997) [Trailer]
Director: Lee Tamahori (IMDB)
I had never heard of this film and really knew nothing about it before watching it last night. My friend Michael insisted I check it out and I respect his opinion on a lot of stuff (but definitely not his opinion on foreign films, sorry Mike.) It's available on Netflix instant (God bless you Netflix) so I went ahead with the viewing.
The Edge stars Sir Anthony Hopkins, Alec Baldwin, Michael from LOST and some washed up supermodel. It's set in an extremely remote location in Canada (like you have to fly in on a sea plane remote.) Sir Anthony, who is a billionaire, brings his model wife and a photography crew in for a little R&R at a Cabin on a lake. They set up a little photo shoot, you know, to take advantage of the beautiful surroundings. Things go wrong when they are out scouting for a native model (an Indian) for the shoot and their sea plane hits the deck. Sir Anthony, Alec and Michael from LOST have to survive in the wilderness after the crash... but... they have company. That company... a blood thirsty grizzly bear. Fuck.
I love a survival flick and this is a good one. This movie doesn't take long to get going and when it does it's pretty suspenseful. Alec and Sir Anthony do a good job on camera and also develop some pretty sweet beards. The cinematography is insane and I don't know if it has much to do with the cinematographer. If you just turned on the camera, the location itself would do the rest of the work. Regardless, the film looks incredible. I do have a few issues with the ending but I don't want to spoil anything. If you have Netflix instant go ahead and give this a spin, good stuff.

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