Terminator Salvation
(2009) [Trailer]
Director: McG (IMDB)
I woke this is morning and went about my normal business. I went to strike up a shower and while I was rinsing off I started too.... think about the movie I saw last night... what did you think I was going to say? Anyways, there was a good 30 to 45 seconds where I honestly couldn't remember what I saw. Now, it could be that I'm getting old and forgetful or it could be have been the movie.
Synopsis: Machines have taken over the world and Christian Bale is our only chance for survival.
This wasn't a horrible movie, just very forgetful. It didn't seem to drag and I found it entertaining enough, I just didn't care a lot about what happened in the film. Bale seemed to be a little over the top at times and had the Batman voice going on a lot, which stood out. I liked Anton Yelchin, Sam Worthington, and Moon Bloodgood... how about that for a name. I don't know, there's just something there that didn't click with me. Maybe the story line, that seemed a little weak. Plus, with every Terminator installment, you always have this menacing bad guy that's always on your tail and in this the Terminators are everywhere and seem so easy to stop. I would check this out on a lazy Sunday afternoon if it were on TBS, but don't go out of your way.
Christian Bale does an EXCELLENT Keanu Reeves impression throughout this whole film.