Friday, April 20, 2012

Too Much Horror Business (The Gate, House, House II, Hellraiser, and Hellbound:Hellraiser II)

Lately I've been on a little bit of an 80's horror bender. Netflix instant is a good dealer when it comes to getting my fix. Over the past few nights I've knocked out a few choice titles from my childhood that I used to enjoy.

(1986) [Trailer]
Director: Tibor Takács (IMDB)

A couple of kids realize they're in deep shit when they find a gate to hell has opened up in their backyard. 

This movie stars Stephen Dorff in his first acting role, it's weird to think he was also the lead in one of my favorite films of 2011... Somewhere. He's pretty brutal in this and has come a long way. The movie isn't amazing but still fun. The Gate involves heavy metal and demons, which is always a good mix. I still really love the little monsters and the practical effects hold up nicely. The ending is a bit weak, but I'll save you from any spoilers.

(1986) [Trailer]
Director: Steve Miner (IMDB)

It's a house. It's haunted. You get the idea.

This movie stars William Katt, he was not in a favorite film of mine from 2011, or any other year really... but he was in The Greatest American Hero. He's actually decent in this. You also got some nice cameos by Norm from Cheers and Bull from Night Court.

Two things: The blond neighbor is ridiculous, who just leaves their child with a complete stranger? Also, the protagonist, who owns that many video cameras?

Again, I love the 80's special effects and the monsters look great, especially the fat girl one. I feel about the same on this and I did for The Gate.

(1987) [Trailer]
Director: Ethan Wiley (IMDB)

Beside the fact that this takes place in a house, this movie bares no resemblance to House part one. This movie is absolutely in no way scary, it's more of a comedy with some horror tropes, practical effects, and puppets. I can't really think of anything negative to say about this, it almost seems silly to bash it. It's intentionally goofy and has this weird charm to it that I enjoy.

(1987) [Trailer]
Director: Clive Barker (IMDB)

Evil critters (Cenobites) from the underworld are summoned into this dimension after Uncle Frank fucks around with a mystical cube.

This was of my favorite horror movies in high school and it still ranks highly on that list. It's loaded with tons of gore, great effects, and evil shit...all the stuff you need in an awesome horror flick. The Cenobites are creepy and still hold up... but that fat one's kinda dumb looking. The story line is pretty original and executed well in my opinion. There's loads of classic lines and scenes throughout this and it's a must see if you're into horror.

Hellbound: Hellraiser II
(1988) [Trailer]
Director: Tony Randel (IMDB)

The follow up to Hellraiser and basically the origins story for the Cenobites. I always loved the vision of hell depicted in this film, but after re-watching it, it doesn't hold up as nicely as I thought. You can definitely tell it's a painting in two different scenes. Example A. Example B. It still looks cool, jut not very believable... but then again what's believable about a puzzle box opening a gate to hell. One thing that's weak and convenient is that the doctor at the mental ward just happens to also be an avid collector of these cubes. Also... what's with the mental ward? It's a bit unrealistic down there in the basement. As much as it sounds like I hate this, I don't. I still absolutely enjoyed part two and it's just as gruesome as the first chapter. Sure it's not perfect, but who is?

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