Sunday, May 6, 2012

Valhalla Rising

Valhalla Rising
(2009) [Trailer]
Director: Nicolas Winding Refn (IMDB)

I joined this site called Letterboxd. It's kinda like facebook for movie nerds. I was recently recommended Valhalla Rising after a user checked out my lists and thought I would dig it. I was told by him that "It's like David Lynch and Terrence Malick took acid and made a viking movie." I thought that was a pretty convincing description so I checked it out.

Synopsis: A norse warrior named One Eye heads out on a quest to travel to the holy land with some Christians.

I really loved this film and I'd say it's right up Curtis alley. What's Curtis alley you ask... It's an alley where you take psychedelic drugs and try and contemplate the meaning of life... I'm kidding.

This film is out there and very loose in terms of plot... basically it's open for interpretation. It's reminds me a lot of some of my favorite films, a nice mash-up maybe would be Aquirre: Wrath of God, meets Dead Man, meets The New World, meets Apocalypse Now. The cinematography is stunning and the score is exceptional with a lot of creepy build ups. Nicholas Winding Refn delivers another pleaser in my opinion, definitely check this out (if you're into non-traditional stuff), it's on Netflix instant.


  1. I really want to see this now. It keeps popping up on my netflix. I am gonna do it!
