Monday, August 6, 2012

Danny Boyle Double Feature - "Shallow Grave" & "Trainspotting"

Kurt Powers is one of my best and oldest friends. He is also an avid blu-ray collector and movie watcher like myself. Recently we decided to sit down and spend our Saturday afternoon watching some Danny Boyle films, quality bro time.

(1994) [Trailer]
Director: Danny Boyle (IMDB)

Synopsis: A group of flatmates in Scotland bring in a new roomie who has some baggage.... filled with money. He dies suddenly and the money starts to make everyone do stupid shit. 

This is Danny Boyle's first feature full length that made it to the big screen. It shows a lot of his style and is a smooth ride from beginning to end. The performances are all believable, with Ewan McGregor's being the standout for me. 

Shallow Grave incorporates the same theme as films like Fargo, A Simple Plan, and more recently Killer Joe. Basically people making stupid decisions over greed and money. I love films like these, they're train wrecks that are so entertaining to watch unfold.

(1996) [Trailer]
Director: Danny Boyle (IMDB)

Synopsis: Heroin is a hell of a drug.

The first time I saw this movie was actually at Kurt's house back in the  90's. I remember at the time feeling like I was glad I never made the choice to get involved with hard drugs. After my re-watch the other day, I stand firm in that decision. All the characters in this film are so good, I loved Ewan McGregor and Robert Carlyle especially. The story is pretty screwed up and there are lots of funny and sad moments spread throughout. Two of the highlights of Trainspotting for me would be the toilet bowl scene and the withdrawal scene in Ewan's bedroom. This and movies like Pulp Fiction really got me into film and I'd absolutely recommend this as a must see if you're not acquainted with it.

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