Sunday, February 24, 2013

The Star Wars Saga

Unless you're living in a bubble, you've probably heard that Disney plans on releasing new Star Wars movies starting as early as 2015 with Episode VII. I, like most, was pretty happy to hear the good news, mainly because we'll get new material that won't be under the tight grip of George Lucas, but instead under the direction of J.J. Abrams. In preparation I decided to sit down with all the films and rewatch them.

First off, everyone has seen Star Wars, well mostly everyone... so I'm going to take a little bit of a different approach to these reviews. I'll skip the synopsis and instead start my reviews with my initial introduction to each film.

(1977) [Trailer]
Director: George Lucas [IMDB]

I think I've seen this film more than any other film in history. I know it backwards and forwards. If the government wanted to indoctrinate the youth of America during the 80's, all they would have needed to do was slip subliminal messages inside this film and it would have gotten the job done.

For me, what makes Star Wars so successful, is the character development. Each major character has a specific role and it's filled perfectly. It's a completely opposite story for The Phantom Menace... but we'll get to that.

Highlights: John Williams' score. "These aren't the droids you're looking for." Mos Eisley Cantina. The Jawa's cruiser. "Uh, we had a slight weapons malfunction, but uh... everything's perfectly all right now. We're fine. We're all fine here now, thank you. How are you?"

Lowlights: All the newly added bullshit by Lucas.

(1980) [Trailer]
Director: Irvin Kershner [IMDB]

Empire is my favorite in the saga and one of the best sci-fi films ever made. It has a great story with a nice dark cliff hanger to end it. The action, drama and romance are all masterfully interwoven throughout to keep your attention. Out of all the films, this has the best sets pieces as well. I can pop this on at any moment and be completely content.

Empire is the most serious of all the titles. There's not a lot of happiness to it, not that I don't mind the tone of A New Hope and Return of the Jedi, but Empire is just scarier. Everyone is uncertain and on the run, there's no brightside, it's a real stand out among the series.

Highlights: The Hoth snow battle and the AT-AT (there isn't a child in American who saw this film that didn't want an AT-AT toy.) The Jedi training with Yoda. The fight between Luke and Vader. Sleeping in a ton-ton. Lando. 

Lowlights: None.

(1983) [Trailer]
Director: Richard Marquand [IMDB]

This is first film I actually remember seeing in the theater. I loved Return of the Jedi as a kid and I'm pretty certain I owned every toy from it. It's on par with A New Hope in my opinion, or maybe a slight notch below it, but it's close. I know a lot of people hate the Ewoks but they're not annoying to me. People think they were added in for the kids, and maybe it's nostalgia because I was a kid, but as an adult I think they add a nice lighthearted element to the film.

Jedi is a great ending to the original trilogy. Although the ending is a little more involved than the others, it still manages to wrap effortlessly and it ties all the elements of the first two films up into a nice package. 

Highlights: The green pig guards of Jabba's palace, I don't know why, but I always liked them. Chewie petting Solo after he's unfrozen from carbonite. When Luke says he's a Jedi and Yoda laughs at him. The different techniques the Ewoks use to attack the imperial troops.

Lowlights: I mentioned earlier the fuckery by Lucas in Episode IV... but changing the song for Jabba's band and adding in the new CGI singers is gross... plus replacing the original Anakin ghost with Hayden Christensen is offensive.

The original Star Wars trilogy is one of the strongest trilogies in movie history and its watchability is massive. All the characters grow in such an impressive way and each film is as important as the other. It's a wonderful thing, even after George Lucas went back and attempted to "make it better."

Now on to the prequels.

(1999) [Trailer]
Director: George Lucas [IMDB]

I remember when news broke of this movie and how excited I was to finally be getting another installment in the Star Wars universe. I eagerly waited in line opening night, like so many other fans. I took my seat and then the opening crawl font popped up... I was in heaven. Then I started to read it and something felt off. Ok, no worries, lets just get into this. 15 minutes in and I knew things were really fucking bad. There was so much that had happened on screen and none of it seemed important. It was like a long winded reenactment of some political scandal, only in space. Halfway through the film I realized... shit, there's no protagonist, no real character development... nothing... just boring CGI and bad acting. What in the hell, how could Lucas screw up that badly? 

Highlights: Nothing.

Lowlights: There are so many bad elements to pick from. Jar Jar is the glaringly obvious one... but he's so easy to tear into. I think something that isn't mentioned enough is Darth Maul-- what a shitty bad guy. When you first saw him in the trailer he looked bad ass. Then you see him on screen and you feel nothing for him. Seriously... compare him to Darth Vadar. Darth Vadar is built up as this ruthless leader hell bent on crushing the rebellion and he instilled fear in everyone around him. Darth Maul just looks evil, other than that, you don't know shit about him. Why is he evil? Why does he want to kill these Jedi? He's an after thought.

My only hope after watching Episode I was that maybe others hated it as much as me (they did) and that Lucas Films would have gotten the message and delivered a better product for Episode II.

(2002) [Trailer]
Director: George Lucas [IMDB]

The follow up to the train wreck that was Episode I, Episode II held a lot of promise and potential. I mean... what could be worse than that last joke of a movie? Again, I was duped into watching this opening weekend, anticipating greatness... but alas... it was awful. I don't know how, but Lucas managed to crank out a film even more horrendous than Episode I.

More so than any of the other films in the prequels, I noticed how bad the acting is. Everyone seems so aware of their surroundings and the fact that the majority of this film takes place in front of a green screen shows.

Episode II's biggest problem is that it's way too long and boring. It was fucking hard rewatching this film and I almost turned it off because I really couldn't have given a shit about anyone in the film. The story is emotionally void and the fact that it's as bad as it is, after the crapfest of Episode I, makes me hate it even more.

Highlights: The ending credits.

Lowlights: Episode II contains what might be one of the most forced and awkward love stories ever to unfold on the big screen. Again, the lack of any real villain leads to an extremely anticlimactic ending.

Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith
(2005) [Trailer]
Director: George Lucas [IMDB]

Even after two major disappointments, I found myself back in the theaters for opening weekend. This time I wouldn't be tricked, I went in excepting horse shit... what I got wasn't exactly that.

This film isn't great, don't get me wrong, but it's alittle more bearable than Episode I & II. At this point, if you've made it this far, you actually have a little background on the characters. This helps make the ending a little more impactful.

Highlights: No Jar Jar (except for a few moments.) The hunt for all the Jedi. And finally a decent antagonist... Emperor Palpatine.

Lowlights: It's still pretty boring and feels like it takes for ever to unfold.

At this point, honestly, I'm over writing about these prequels. Even though, this film is slightly better than the other two, it's still pretty bland and definitely not worth the time invested.

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