Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Iron Man 3

Iron Man 3
(2013) [Trailer]
Director: Shane Black [IMDB]

Iron Man 3 is the first post-Avengers solo effort from Marvel and I'm sure based off the box office numbers it won't be the last. Since I've seen every other Marvel film, at some point it was unenviable that I would check this out. I really loved the first Iron Man, but wasn't too keen on the second one, now I'll see where this installments fits in.

Synopsis: Tony Stark is back and dealing with the aftermath of the attack on New York... see The Avengers for back story. Now a new menace is afoot and ready to do battle, a terrorist named The Mandarin.

I've only seen one other film from director Shane Black, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, but I get the feeling after watching Iron Man 3 that he really isn't into the whole superhero/comic book film genre. Iron Man 3 feels more like a action comedy... then about half way through you start to get to the whole Iron Man thing. Even after that, it's like the suit only comes in sporadically up until the ending. There are also some inconsistencies in the plot, especially in when Stark decides to use the suit and how he decides to use the suit. A few things he does with suit towards the end probably would have helped his situation if he implemented them earlier in the film. I also really disliked how they handled The Mandarin, I won't get into it because it treads on spoiler territory, but I thought it was really lame.

I know it sounds like a lot of negatives coming from me, but it wasn't a bad film. I did find it pretty entertaining and slightly better than the second film. There were also some funny moments and the action towards the end was fun. It's still raking in the big bucks at the theater, so check it out and help keep the Marvel machine well oiled.

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