Monday, January 16, 2012

The Captains

The Captains
(2011) [Trailer]
Director: William Shatner (IMDB)

Being a little bit of a Trekkie (don't judge me) I was pretty interested when I first heard about this movie last year. Then to my surprise I saw it pop up on Netflix Instant the other week and decided to give it a spin.

The Captains is directed by William Shatner and also stars him, so if you're into the Shatman, get on it. The overall idea of this documentary is that William Shatner heads out to meet up with a number of actors who have played Starship Captains in the different variations of the notorious sci-fi franchise known as Star Wars...just kidding...Star Trek...calm down. He meets with: Sir Patrick Stewart (Captain Jean-Luc Picard Star Trek: The Next Generation), Avery Brooks (Captain Benjamin Sisko Star Trek: Deep Space Nine), Kate Mulgrew (Captain Kathryn Janeway, Star Trek: Voyager), Scott Bakula (Captain Jonathan Archer, Star Trek: Enterprise), and Chris Pine (Captain James T. Kirk, Star Trek 2009), and he interviews all of them.

I will admit, there's a soft spot in my heart for all these different series and captains, so I enjoyed this a lot. I would imagine however, if you aren't a fan, this would bore the shit out of you. I loved how Shatner would get deep and philosophical with everyone, but I did feel at times, that this movie turned into the Shatner show (I guess I kinda expected that though.) A lot of the score seemed out of place and didn't fit the feeling of the scenes. One very interesting thing about this movie...Avery Brooks is bat shit crazy. It's very weird, and at some points, uncomfortable watching Shatner interview Brooks. There were a lot of cool moments overall and I found this entertaining, definitely recommend to any Star Trek fan.

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