Sunday, June 10, 2012


(1984) [Trailer]
Director: Douglas Cheek (IMDB)

If you've ever debated sparing some change for the homeless this movie may change your mind... don't help... they'll only come back as mutants and eat you.

Synopsis: Undesirables living under the streets of Manhattan are mysteriously turning into flesh hungry zombies and a cop, photographer, and soup kitchen cook are the only people who can stop them.

C.H.U.D. is a pretty fun watch, especially as a New Yorker, you'll get some nice views of Nolita in the 80's. Here's a quick comparison picture I put together for this very special occasion: NOW and THEN.

The C.H.U.D.s are creepy and done with 80's practical effects, which I love... there's a little bit of cheese factor going on, but it warms the heart. A lot of the scarier moments were underground in the sewers, which I thought were effective. As with most horror films from the era, the score is primarily synth based, which I normally enjoy and this movie delivers... the music is disturbing.

C.H.U.D. also dishes up some interesting actors who you've seen in other fine films. You have two Home Alone vets... Marv and Kevin's dad. You also have a nice cameo from a young John Goodman who plays a cop.

The main issue with C.H.U.D. is it takes awhile to ramp up, it's a bit of a slow burn in my opinion. Also some of the acting and dialog aren't the greatest.

C.H.U.D. is available on Netflix instant, so check it out if you're looking for some 80's horror.

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