Saturday, June 16, 2012

The Jurassic Park Trilogy

All praise Steven Spielberg, a God amongst men. If his films were biblical scripture, Jurassic Park would be Deuteronomy. Why you ask? I don't know, but it sounded good.

Jurassic Park
(1993) [Trailer]
Director: Steven Spielberg (IMDB)

Synopsis: Who the hell doesn't know what Jurassic Park is about? Okay, for the people living in hippy commune since the 70's, who haven't seen this.... Scientists create a theme-park on an island in Costa Rica filled with dinosaurs and shit goes south real quick.

Jurassic Park is one hell of a film and when I was in highschool I think everyone I know saw this in the theaters and then owned a copy on VHS. It showcases exactly what I expect from a Spielberg film. Ground breaking special effects, a solid cast (including kids that actually don't annoy me) and a remarkable score. Side note: it's pretty awesome that he made a version of the music with vocals... check it out. Anyways... where was I?

Highlights for me are: Jeff Goldblum, the first appearance of the tyrannosaurus rex, and the electric fence gag... classic stuff. I love this movie and it makes me wish I was a teenager again. Then I realize how shitty I was, never mind, I'm glad I'm old.

The Lost World: Jurassic Park
(1997) [Trailer]
Director: Steven Spielberg (IMDB)

Synopsis: Jeff Goldblum, along with a new crew, are sent to a secret island used to breed the dinosaurs for Jurassic Park... again everything goes south quickly. Life will find a way... to fuck you up.

Spielberg returns to direct this follow up, which in my opinion, isn't as successful as the first. I still enjoyed The Lost World, but it's flawed. A lot of what makes part one exceptional, is recycled in this and it works. With all Jurassic Park films you must suspend disbelief, but there are some things that are a huge stretch in The Lost World. Like the little girl half-assing her way into the trip, then later using gymnastics to bust up a raptor. Also the ending, which I won't spoil, but it's pretty unrealistic. However; the film works in a lot of other ways... the suspense is high, the Goldblum is snarky, and the effects are even better then part one.

Jurassic Park III
(2001) [Trailer]
Director: Joe Johnston (IMDB)

Synopsis: Haven't these people learned to not mess with the dinosaurs yet?

No Spielberg directing and no Goldblum acting, I wasn't very excited about the promise of this film, but didn't want to write it off (it's the only one of the three I hadn't seen.) They did manage to get Sam Neill back from part one, which was nice, so I gave it points for that.

The plot is kinda weak and I feel like they could have done something more creative. The dialog also seemed a little stale at times.

My biggest gripe with part 3 is the ending. It felt very anticlimactic and seemed pretty abrupt. Spoiler Warning: when they're flying away from the island at the end, I was totally expecting something crazy to happen and the story to continue on. Then... nothing, just credits?

I didn't hate this, but it could have been so much better.

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