Saturday, September 29, 2012


(2012) [Trailer]
Director: Rian Johnson [IMDB]

Rian Johnson is responsible for two of my favorite episodes from one of my favorite television shows ever... Honey Boo Boo Child... I'm playing with you... it's Breaking Bad. I thought his new film Looper looked awesome when I first saw the trailer a few months back and it immediately rose to the top of my must see list. Well I saw it today... so here it goes.

Synopsis: In the future Joseph Gordon-Levitt is a hired killer who runs into his future self (Bruce Willis) and things get a little weird.

I will say this...  to you people reading right now... this is a must see. It's officially Curtis approved, so it's a safe bet... a done deal if you will. It's especially a must see if you're into sci-fi and time travel flicks. It's really a movie that anyone can appreciate and it has great accessibility to it. Looper takes what may seem like a complicated story and makes it easy to follow, plus it keeps you completely entertained for the whole ride. The future world Johnson creates is pretty impressive and the cinematography used to frame it is top notch. The action comes in small spurts and is strategically placed, but it's very well done.  There were a few holy shit moments peppered throughout which were extremely effective, but mostly this is just a well written film and it doesn't need a lot of flash to hide behind anything. Most of the negatives I've heard about Looper were in regards to Joseph Gordon-Levitt's make up and look. I think it's fantastic and he does a great job impersonating Bruce Willis in my opinion.

Again, I'd go ahead and pop on this right away, it opened wide this weekend.


  1. Perfect, I was thinking of seeing it and this clinches it.

  2. It is on my list also, hopefully I can make it while it is in the Theatres!
