Friday, December 14, 2012

The Hobbit

The Hobbit
(2012) [Trailer]
Director: Peter Jackson [IMDB]

Little known fact about Curtis Williams: I took my wife to see Lord of the Rings on our very first date. I am an extremely huge fan of that trilogy and when I found out Peter Jackson was returning to crank out another three of these bad boys, I only had one thought... dear god... please don't let me die until I've seen them all.

Synopsis: A hobbit is recruited into an adventure of epic proportions by a Wizard and a group of dwarfs.

This movie is exactly what I thought it would be. I don't know if that's good or bad. On one hand I want more of the same and I got it. On the other, should Jackson have tried something different... nah, this is fine. That said I am going to rate this against the other films.

The Hobbit is very explosive and I felt like there was a lot of action. It's continually moving and there are not a lot of slow moments surprisingly... maybe a few here and there... but not many. The action set pieces are fantastic and I was a huge fan of the goblin fight scene in particule. I loved the execution of The Hobbit as well, it looks stunning. The visuals are seriously immense and awe inspiring. The CG and practical work are flawless and it's hard to tell which is which. The score is also just as good as ever and from that very first tune you know you're in for a good time.

The film does have one negative. I felt like it was unfinished, which obviously it is, but the ending was extremely anti climatic.

I really enjoy these films and they're perfect for just getting lost in and tuning out for a while. In a nut shell I'll end with this... If you were into LOTR, you'll probably like this, if you weren't, avoid it.


  1. Did you see it in 48FPS and if so what were your impressions? I really want to see it in 48FPS.

    1. Nah, just standard 2D. I think I'm gonna see it in 3D and then 48fps, although I know I'm gonna hate the high frame rate shit... but for the sake of progression I will give it a shot.
