Saturday, January 19, 2013

Last Days Here

Last Days Here
(2012) [Trailer]
Directors: Don Argott [IMDB], Demian Fenton [IMDB]

I consider myself a fan of Pentagram and have listened to their music since my early twenties. They were influential in the metal scene but widely unknown outside it. Well, turns out there's a pretty interesting story about the group that's waiting to be told and Last Days Here is the film to do it.

Synopsis: A documentary about Pentagram's lead singer Bobby Liebling's struggle to overcome drug addiction and get out of his parents basement.

This is definitely a killer documentary and even if you've never heard of Pentagram, you'll enjoy it. It's overly revealing and basically shows a man on his deathbed made from drugs. This a  very personal doc that takes you into Bobby's parent's basement and shows you just how fucked up someone's life can become. It does get into the talking head's point of view on Pentagram and how awesome they were, but it doesn't take too much time indulging in that. Instead, Last Days Here focuses on the present and how Bobby turned out. Will he clean his shit up and make something of himself, or will he deteriorate in his house? I won't spoil it for you, but trust me, it's worth your time to find out.

If you subscribe to Netflix, it's on instant view and available now, so get on it.

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