Thursday, January 17, 2013

This is 40

This Is 40
(2012) [Trailer]
Director: Judd Apatow [IMDB]

A comedy about turning 40 from Judd Apatow... what could go wrong? I would consider myself a fan of Mr. Apatow. I really enjoyed Freaks and Geeks, The 40 Year Old Virgin, and Knocked Up... so I was interested in checking this out.

Synopsis: Two minor characters from Knocked Up get their chance in the spotlight as we navigate through what it's like to be 40 in their eyes.

This barely beats out Les Mis as worst film of 2012. This is 40, should be titled This is Bad... I know, I know.. that was a shitty joke, kind of like the majority of this film. This is 40 is jammed pack with pop culture references... iPads, iPhones, Facebook, LOST, Twitter, Spotify and god knows what else. It got really obnoxious, especially the LOST references. The little girls are the worst... the older one having a meltdown at her closest was cringe worthy and the younger one is obviously speaking lines written by someone in their 40's. There's is so much unrealistic stuff written into this film that bothered me immensely and I'm not sure why. Normally I have no problem suspending disbelief, but because this is set in the real world I guess couldn't look past things. For example, Paul Rudd walking up to his wife and admitting that he was looking up a chick's skirt... and she isn't wearing panties... please. There is also not a lot that happens with the story and it's extremely inflated... this movie did not need to be 2 hours and 15 minutes.

This is a pretty big disappointment and I'd definitely pass on it.

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