Friday, January 18, 2013


(2012) [Trailer]
Director: Andrés Muschietti [IMDB]

I've been looking forward to Mama for awhile now. I'm a fan of Guillermo Del Toro and when I saw he was producing a new horror flick with Jessica Chastain, it peaked my interest. Then I saw the trailer and was sold.

Synopsis: Two little girls are left in a cabin in the woods by their crazy father. They spend the next 5 years by themselves... or did they have company?

Mama is a pretty terrifying film. It's loaded with jump scares and arm hair raising moments. Although he didn't direct, you could definitely see Del Toro's influence in the effects department, especially with Mama ghost thingy. The little girls were creepy and helped add to the horror of Mama. Jessica Chastain was good and the guy from Games of Throne was alright too.

The ending was a little whimsical and I felt like it could have been better. It was serviceable, but I wished it would have be darker and more messed up. Either way... it didn't ruin it for me. Go see Mama if you're in the mood for a nice wholesome family movie.

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