Sunday, January 8, 2012

My Kid Could Paint That

My Kid Could Paint That
(2007) [Trailer]
Director: Amir Bar-Lev (IMDB)

Marla Olmstead is a 4 year old. She makes more money then her parents. She make more money then you. How you ask? Well she's a famous painter.

My Kid Could Paint That is the story of Marla and her rise to fame. This documentary follows her and her family as they deal with her stardom. She is considered a genius and people pay thousands for her work. All seems great for the Olmsteads then 60 Minutes drops a bomb and claims the obvious...that her dad is really the Renoir of the clan.

This is a great documentary. The idea alone is really interesting and the way it's pieced together is great. It's not really taking sides just showcasing everything involving this child sensation and the fact that the Director was able to get involved so early into the development of the story is really impressive. Now, I have a 4 year old niece, I think of her becoming a famous painter and it seems insane...and that really is the case of Marla too. If her dad really is the one behind the scenes doing most the work...he's the greatest painter of all time. That's art. Not only did he paint the pictures...but he painted the fabrication that all those rich artsy fucks wanted. The fabrication of some child superstar sent by God to paint the next Guernica. It's a brilliant idea, now if we could only know the real truth. Watch the movie and form your own opinion.

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