Wednesday, January 4, 2012


(2010) [Trailer]
Director: John Erick Dowdle (IMDB)

M. Night Shyamalan (writer) is a man people love to hate. Seems recently every one of his movies are slammed hard by critics. It almost makes me want to like his movies just for spite. So did I take that direction with Devil? Read on and find out.

Devil is about five people who picked the wrong elevator to ride. The elevator resides in a building in which someone decided to jump to their death from. According to the story, when someone kills themselves, the Devil comes and kills more people...I think...I'm not sure...shit it's kinda confusing. Anyways, he comes and locks up the people in the elevator and starts to fuck them up. Now the twist is...who in the elevator is the devil? I won't spoil it for you. It's the little boy! Just kidding, there's no little boy in the movie.

I have mixed feelings on this movie, I guess my overall opinion is it's a decent flick. There's some good, not so good, and bad. The opening credits, the score, cinematography are all excellent. When the devil is finally exposed, it's definitely pretty creepy. On the other hand, some of the acting isn't the best but it's serviceable. The super religious guy is definitely a little too over the top. If he's so freaked out, why wouldn't he just peace out that place as soon as he saw the devil? There's this scene with him, involving dropping toast on the floor, it almost turns the movie into a comedy. In the end, I found it to be entertaining. Maybe if it's a option for you on a lazy Sunday afternoon give it a spin.

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