Monday, January 2, 2012

One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest

One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest
(1975) [Trailer]
Director: Milos Forman (IMDB)

Man where to start with this one? It's been a while since I last saw this film, a little too long if you ask didn't, but I'm telling you. I picked it up awhile ago on blu-ray and decided to give it another run. This is such a solid film, I would say perfect almost. I really can't think of how they could make it any better, so I guess that means it's prefect right?

This stars Jack Nicholson and a whole host of other amazing actors up in there. You got Danny Devito, you got the evil grandma from Flowers in the Attic, you got Jeff Spicoli's science teacher from Ridgemont High, you got the evil guy from Lord of the Rings, and you got Dr Emmett Brown! Definitely a pleasing line up. The story begins when Jack gets moved from a real prison into a mental ward. You're not too sure if he's really crazy or not, but then again, aren't we all a little crazy. He starts to become the alpha male of the group and also pissing off the Nursing staff quite a bit. There's a lot of depth to the story from there and I'll save you the heartache of me trying to break it down into detail.

This movie is a prefect example of a drama that infuses comedy, but not to the point where you'd say it's a comedy. It's really interesting to see Jack Nicholson at work in this film. I'm pretty sure he received an Oscar for this, which is well deserved. The shock therapy scene is insane, I can't tell if they really shocked or did something to him. It's very believable. To watch his character go from thinking, he landed himself into an easy gig, to realizing that the ward was just a fucked as prison, is a very engaging story. I can't recommend this movie enough.

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