Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Exporting Raymond

Exporting Raymond
(2010) [Trailer]
Director: Philip Rosenthal (IMDB)

Philip Rosenthal is the guy who is responsible for Everybody Loves Raymond. Now you either are more then likely going to think...fuck that guy, I hate that show...or....ahhh, I love that show. Either way it wouldn't effect your enjoyment of this film. Well maybe a little, but not a lot.

The basic idea with Exporting Raymond is Phillip trying to take Everyone Loves Raymond over to Moscow and helping the Russians create their version of it (Everyone Loves Kostya). Once the US government finds out about it, they mark Phillip as a Communist, and start to track his every move....Okay I'm kidding about that. He's not a Communist and we're friendly with the Soviets now. Get your head out of the 80's! So back to the plot, Phillip finds himself a fish out of water when he's taken to mother Russia and pitted against the studio execs.

This documentary is excellent at showing the differences in Russian vs US culture. It's fun to see how something so completely simple as dressing Ray's wife in basic house clothes is a huge issue for the Russians. Or how certain jokes, which work here, completely bomb over there. I think Philip can be a little over the top from time to time but overall it's a really cool experience to see him interact, make friends, and try to win over the love of the Ruskies.

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