Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Curtis' Best of 2012

Here it is folks, the best films of 2012 ranked by your friend Curtis, that's me. I've decided to give you my top twenty films, top 5 documentaries, and then at the bottom I'll include a link ranking all the films I've seen this year (there's over 40 of them.)

1. Django Unchained 
2. Amour
3. Killer Joe
4. The Master
5. Looper
6. Beasts of the Southern Wild
7. The Grey
8. The Hobbit
9. Seven Psychopaths
10. Moonrise Kingdom
11. Cloud Atlas
12. Magic Mike
13. Cabin in the Woods
14. Prometheus
15. The Dark Knight Rises
16. Dredd 3D
17. John Carter
18. Skyfall
19. Chronicle
20. The Avengers

Top Five Documentaries
1. The Imposter
2. Bones Brigade: An Autobiography
3. Indie Game: The Movie
4. Jiro Dreams of Sushi
5. The Queen of Versailles

My complete movie ranking of 2012

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